2009년 3월 10일 화요일

Film Analysis

Film Analysis
After you have watched the assigned film, fill in as much of this form as possible.
Title of film: The Visitor
Director of Film: Tom McCarthy
Actors: Richard Jenkins, Haaz Sleiman, Danai gurira, Hiam Abbass
Type of Film: Drama
Summary and analysis
- Walter vale who losst his passion for writing and teaching. His wife passed away and he feels empty. Someday he surprised to discover that a couple has moved into his apt. Tarek and Zainab. Then, vail allows the couple to live in his apt. One day Vale listen th African drum that Tarek playing and little by little he intrest in that instrument. Then Tarek teaches him to play and Vale gets energy with his life. Later, Tarek got arrested in the subway and Tarek's mother has comes to Manhattnan. Then thay tried to Tarek to release but after all Tarek is deported.
Relation to case Study
- How Takre and Zainab to feel about culture shock as a foreigner and being immigration. Acutally only Tarek feels culture shock because Tarek is arrested and deprted.
Reaction to Fil,
- I like this fil,. Because this film is my first film that to watch for studying about something. And this film is chance for me to thinking about life in another country as an immigration. If Tarek's story is actuality, that is cruel.

Visual Dictionary

I feel alienation in here.

Some Americans have ethnocentrism.

Shildes on you man.
[Barrier]-Something such as a fanver or wall.

I think cat is very optimistic animal.
[Optimistin] is hopeful aabout the future or the success of something in particular

USA is country of liberal and diversity.
[Liberal] views believes people should have a lot of freedom in deciding how to behave and think.
[diversity]is the fact that it contains many very different elements.

2009년 3월 1일 일요일

My Picture..

Just kidding.

Culture Shock

I dont feel culture shock in the USA. Actually I feel really rarely 'Shock' about something. And there is some reason that why I dont feel culture shock in the USA.
Beacuse I study English quite long time and USA is a little bit familiar to me. Because my aunt lives in USA, my parants were lived in USA and I was born in USA. So USA is not extremly 'A New World' to me. But being a frends with natives is very hard. That is no language barrier. culture barrier. That is race barrier I think.

2009년 2월 3일 화요일


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H.W. : What is all about you?

I'm Jay. Jay Jiwoo Park. From Korea. I was born in America, but I lived in Korea all life, so actually I'm Korean.
I'm in animation major and I love to draw.
Studying in USA is better than study in Korea. Because USA univ. teachs more ..more...well..... I hate my vocabulary.

H.W. : American culture are...

American culture are diversity. There'r many races live and many different culture like salada.
Cause so many culture are melted, America become the strongest country.

H.W. : American people are...

American people are, in my opinion, more friendly than Korean people do.
So, they easiely say hello to strangers. And American people are littlebit rude watch by Korean sight. They say 'What's up?' to proffeser that they do like with friends.
But It's just culture. so I don't care about it.